Remote Scan

Are you someone who is always feeling sick, but are never able to find out why?

Some people may spend hundreds of hours at the doctor’s office, but the best ultrasounds and blood tests cannot determine the root cause of their symptoms or recommend the right kind of treatments.

Radionics may be the answer. Radionics is a healing method that aims to discover imbalances in the body’s electromagnetic field, and then improve that ailment with the use of energy waves. This form of energy medicine has been used to address a number of conditions, such as chronic fatigue, anxiety, irritable bowel syndrome, cancer, and Lyme disease.

What is a remote scan?

The remote scan is a noninvasive bio-resonance device which uses radionics to detect abnormalities in the various energy frequencies of cells, tissues, and organs throughout your body. Disturbances in these frequencies is often a key indicator of distress and disease. The scan offers several tools including: 1.Vital Scan – reports that are similar to Chemistry tests. 2. Intuitive Electronic Voice Analyzer-

The scan is used in combination with a four step program: hydration, daily detoxification, gut repair and nutrition to improve imbalances and promote overall wellness.

The scan is safe and non-invasive.
• It shows greater detail and is unique amongst all non-invasive scanners
• Lists the detailed anatomy or components of each item that it scans.
• An elegant, yet simple method for measuring the health state of the entire body.
• Can detect the effect the findings have had on your overall health for the past 3-5 years (unique amongst all non-invasive scanners).
Detailed visual health status of the organs, systems, and tissue of the body, working similarly to other scanners in principles of measuring electromagnetic signals and subtle bio-frequencies, but the brilliance here is quite literally in the details.

Click here to schedule an appointment for your Remote Scan today!

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