Summer Is Here – Your biggest commodity is Water

We all know that not drinking adequate water leads to Dehydration

Do you know how much water you should drink each day?

If not, don’t worry – most of us don’t! We’ve heard guidelines, sure, but there are so many sources of information out there all saying different things. How do we know who to trust? The truth is, the amount of water you should drink really depends on one person: YOU! You see, each of us have different needs and different requirements each day for our water intake .For example, did you know that if you live in a warm climate, you require more water each day than someone who lives in a cooler environment? And did you know that working out or being active means you need significantly more water than someone who isn’t as active?

Plus, there’s the fact that dehydration robs you of your energy and can lead to tiredness, forgetfulness, and lethargy.

Health Benefits of Drinking Water

  • Helping to regulate our body temperature
  • Cushioning our joints
  • Stabilizing our heartbeat
  • Normalizing our blood pressure
  • Aiding digestion
  • Helping to maximize physical performance
  • Helping to prevent constipation
  • Promoting healthy brain function
Symptoms of Dehydration in Adults and Children include:

  • feeling thirsty.
  • dark yellow and strong-smelling pee.
  • feeling dizzy or lightheaded.
  • feeling tired.
  • a dry mouth, lips and eyes.
  • peeing little, and fewer than 4 times a day.

To stay properly hydrated, it is recommended to drink around 8 glasses of water a day. If you are very active, drinking a glass or two more is suggested. But regardless, it is imperative that you consume plenty of water to stay hydrated.

Of course, you could drink plain old tap water, or spend a fortune on bottled water. But both tap water and bottled water have been known to include pollutants and unregulated (and unwanted) impurities. Bottled water is also an unwise choice for our environment. The NEW YORK TIMES reports that Americans’ consumption of bottled water requires 1.5 million barrels a year of oil – just to produce the plastic water bottles!

A healthy and eco-friendly hydration option IS AVAILABLE TODAY! You can have access to as much healthy, alkaline, ionized drinking water in the comfort of your own home .

Our alkaline ionized water is a Healthy Green Choice for you, your family, your pets and the environment

The clean, clear, and delicious taste of Ionized Alkaline Wateris a terrific source of optimal hydration. And, as we know, hydration is critical to an active and healthy lifestyle.




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